Core Banking softwares for Banking

In banks many software's are used for various purposes.The software used for opening bank account by deposit and loan customers and recording their transactions is called core banking software.For managing ATM and POS  network,a switching software is needed.For credit card issuance and transaction authorization,credit card software is used.Payment gateway software is used for settlement of e-commerce transactions.A mobile banking software may be used for opening mobile account and recording such transactions.A brief descriptions of the major software used by banks is given below:
Core operations of a bank includes maintaining a ledger of various transactions,keeping customer information,interest calculation of loans and deposits,adjustments to accounts on withdrawal and deposits of funds etc.Previously these operations were done manually.
With the advent of ICT efforts were done to automate various banking processes using software applications so as to make them simple,efficent,effortless and cost effective.Thus,the platfor where ICT is used t perform the core operations of a bank ,like those mentioned above,is known as core banking system and teh software used for this purpose is called core banking software.
