How ATM Works?

All ATM are connected to a switching software at data centre of the bank.When a  card is inserted into the ATM,the card reader reads card number ,date of expiry,banks identification number etc from the Meg-stripe or Chip of the card,take user input for PIN and amount to be withdrawn,and passes these information to the switching software.
The switching software then checks if the card is a on-us or off-us.If on-us and the card is a debit card,the switching software checks the validity ,status and PIN of the card.If all the checks are passed,the corresponding account num ber and amount are passed into the core banking system of the bank with a request to make debit in the account.If the core banking system found adequate balance in the account and the account is other wise operative,t debit the account for the amount,and send a authorization code to the ATM via switch .ATM then count the money and present to the customer.
If on-us and the card is a credit card,the switch does not check anything but passed the information to the credit card system.The credit card system checks teh validity stauts and PIN of the card.If all the checks are passed and the card account has sufficient available credit limit,the credit card system debits the card account for the amount and send an authorization code to the ATM via switch.ATM,then count the money and present to the customer
