Yes,this is again proved in Dhaka 10th July that there is no room for the communal people.
The Islamic Political Parties in Bangladesh (Total 11 parties) called a 30 hours strike in the country.Their issue is the latest correction in the constitution does not give any importance to Islam and this is not influenced by Almighty Allah.
But in real picture the scenario is not like that.In the very beginning of the constitution it is written "Bismillah hi Rahmanir Rahim" which is according to the Islamic view.The muslim people generally start everything with the name of Almighty Allah."Bismillah hi Rahmanir Rahim" is the Arabic of this.So,there is no question that the correction is wrong or hurting Islamic point of view.
The religion driven parties are just trying to influence us with their communal minded thinking.They are just trying to fill the brains of the general people of the nation with the bad influences of communal things.This is bad politics.
But as a nation we are not that dumb and duffer and not that much stupid.Which is reflected in our work.They picketers tried to block the main high way which is from Chittagong to Dhaka in the country.But the general people and police just washed them away.They did not get chance to make any harassment to the common people.They were beaten by the common people.
They tell that they are from the Islamic parties and very early in the morning they were just destroying the cars of the general people who need to go from one place to another.But as far my knowledge goes Islam does not tell anywhere about any destroying act.Rather Islam is a religion of PEACE.Which just reflects that these people are just communal.
I am happy that the police just treated that with a strong hand.This type of political parties should be banned to make the nation much more neat and clean.We are a brave nation and we do not want this type of cowards who try to get their interest in the flavor of communism.
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