Yes,after the super popularity of picasa Google has now launched a new photo sharing site named "Photovine".This website if for both the amateur photographer and the professional photographer.Their mission is to connect the people and know about each other through photo.As in the pictures we can visualize the person or the entity more so Google has just planned to do it through this way.Other technological experts are telling that this a new approach to make Google plus more competitive cause this is going to be added with the Google Plus.
Now the space in Photovine is limited and they are only making members through invitations.The tour in Photovine is embedded in the video above.
You can also join Photovine.The steps are below:
1.Go to the Photovine home page by clicking HERE.
2. Request an invitation by putting your name and email address.
3.Now you are done.You will soon get further details about this Photovine.
Hope this will be an awesome photo sharing site.