Can anyone answer me with a good reason that religious education is necessary in any stage of academic education?
My thinking is there is no need of religious education in any of the stage of our academic education.I have many cause to defend my opinion.First of all,we are not choosing our religion.We are getting our religion by birth.So,in this case we do not have any choice to choose my religion.Though some small people are choosing their religion,but the majority of the people do not get the option to choose their religion.So,the thing which we are getting by inheritance what is the point to read about it without any choice.
Rather it can be taught to the students that these are the religions and these religions say these things.Now you better decide which you want to accept.If he likes any religion by reading the holy books of religions then he will accept this religion.If he likes all the religion then he will accept all the religion and will build up his or her life accordingly.
If we are just forcing everyone to read the religion which he or she gets by inheritance then how the moral lesson of religion will be maintained?Do you have any answer?
Try to understand the world.Try to understand the things which is going around you.Try to realize that you are not a puppet who has just born to adopt the things of others rather making own things.
The world is not enough,may be it ends in universe!I used the word "may" cause i am not sure about the border.May be there is another term which is bigger than universe!
As a RE teacher it is GOOD practice to teach not only religion but beliefs beyond the religious framework but include atheistic and agnostic perspectives. Religion for many is not a matter of faith but identity and sense of belonging and ignorance is the root cause of many problems in the world. In our current difficult times replete of intolerance and extremism, more than ever our subject is relevant.
it's great to stir a young person's interest in the history of religion; perhaps the young mind can be opened to the concept of spirituality - but in my experience the people teaching RE were not, themselves, spiritually enlightened.
the Path to Perfection can not be taught in schools; it must be learnt privately by the individual within the sacred temple of the mind.
@Miss Clark and Thelonius Bostik is great to see that you people are also thinking in the same way that i am thinking.