This is rainy season in Bangladesh and in this year the rain is regular.The rainy season is a romantic season here.People get some extra emotion in the drop of rain.Some people write a huge number of poems in this rainy season cause the environment is so good to culture some poetry or literature.As i am from technical background i do not have much interest in the poetry.During the college days i also felt that this rainy season has some extra emotion which made me write some poems.
Now i am in Dhaka and the season is rainy season.Rain is regular these days but i am not getting such emotions in these days.The crowded city has just washed my emotions out from my mind.Somehow,my soft heart is buried by the noisy,crowded,polluted and monotonous city.I struggle to get a bus to come home back for my workplace.To get a public transport is like winning a war!Still people in this city are moving from one place to another without thinking anything and sacrificing all his preferences.
When i see to their faces there is no smile to their face.They are just exhausted and silent.There voice gets the peak when the problematic situation of the city gets unbearable.
Still people are coming from the small towns to Dhaka.Increasing the total number of the population of the city and making new problems.
Underground drainage system is totally unplanned and a little bit of rain causes huge problem as the water does not get any path to go to the drain.This makes the main road of the city like river.Dust floats on this water and people make their path through this water which is so unhealthy.
The conditions of the streets in the city are just like a stack of mud except some streets in the city.The place where i leave is named Khilkhet.About 0.1 million people live in this place.The narrow street which is the main entrance of this place is just impossible to use for a normal human being.The street is full of mud and does not have any proper drainage system.So,this street also gets flooded when rain falls.People still walk through this road.The elected MP(Member of Parliament) from this place is Home Minister of this country and it seems she just do not have any responsibility to solve this problem.
The tragedy is that now i cannot enjoy the i cannot write my i have lost my creativity to create a beautiful thing cause i cannot find anything beautiful in my muddy street,in my over crowded bus!