After seeing the post title may be you are thinking the blog writer is a great sinner.May be you can also think that he is telling such kind of thing just to avoid the religious rules and regulations which are hard to maintain.But i am sure you must believe in God.
If there is God why the small kid is crying on the divider of the road and his mother is begging leaving him over there?
Why the two girls who has born in the same hospital and on the same day has two different faces.One has a beautiful face and one has a cute face?
If there is God why the innocent people in Afghanistan has got killed?
Why God has divided the world into two different parts.One is rich part and the other one is poor part.Why the richer part is always dominating the poorer part of the world?
Why i cannot afford my 5 basic need and others just do not care about these matters?
What you will do if a 65 years old man is begging in front of you?May be just because of your kindness you will help him.But what will you do if 10-15 people of this age beg to you everyday.
What will you do if a boy three times smaller than your age may be 10-12 years ride a Rickshaw and you do not have any other option but to get into his rickshaw. May be you are looking for some answer.But if there is God why we are facing such situation?
If he has given us the power to identify the fariness of the world then why the world is not beautiful?
I too find it difficult to grasp the concept of God and match it with the teachings. The teachings say 'love and sharing' 'take care of your brother' all good things, but there are really so very few who do so. Those on the painful of God's touch say 'it is God's will.' 'I am being punished.' or whatever else they say to justify things. If the teachings say God is all caring, where is the care? I would much prefer we stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for our own actions. If we are poor, do something about it. If we are rich, do something productive with our riches. If someone came begging to me, though my heart would go out to him, I must take care of me and mine first and unfortunately there is little left over.
I do not agree with your blog; however; we each have a right to our thoughts and beliefs, also freedom of speech. I agree to disagree with those with similar beliefs and thoughts different than mine. For this reason I will follow your blog and ask you return the favor. Best Regards, Clara Garza
@Anna...i also think in the same way.Yes this should be the beginning of the change.
@Clara...i thank you that you respect my thoughts.I have visited your site which is also interesting.
Bhagavad Gita great holly book of more than 4000yers old Says:-
"Karmani ave adhikars te
ma phalesu kadachna
ma karmaphal hetur bhoo
ma sangostu akramani"
English Translation is:-
"You have to power to act only
you do not have the power in influence the result
there fore you must act without the anticipation of the result
without succumbing to inaction"
@Mr.Monoj .......i do not have any doubt that those lines are right.But sometimes it is too hard to obey those as i have seen and see a lot of descrimination regularly.Thanks for sharing those great words from Srimad Bhagavad Gita.If i heart your feeling anyway,i am sorry.But i was just forced by my emotions.It is not really suitable for me when i see a small kid of 4-5 years polish shoes to make his and his mothers living.