Already 12 buses are torched by the strike supporters in the Capital Dhaka by the BNP supporters.Some are destroyed.People are afraid of going out of their workplace as all the people are in office and they need to go home.I am writing this article in this situation.
The main opposition BNP(Bangladesh National Party) has called a 48 hours Hartal(Strike) on 6th and 7th July.8th and 9th July is public holiday.After these 4 days Islamic Party has called for another 48 hours non stop Hartal((Strike).So, total 6 days the whole country will be just closed.
The cause of the strike is to eliminate the law of CARETAKER GOVERNMENT policy from the constitution by the Government Party Bangladesh Awami League.BNP is not happy with this elimination.They want the Cartaker Government.They are telling that if there will be no caretaker government in between the election period of the next Government selection then the election will be held under a puppet government.For this reason they are calling for the strike.
But the Government party Bangladesh Awami League has already invited them before making the law.They have invited them to come to the parliament and discuss the matter.But they did not participated on the discussion session.Now what is the point to protest this in such a destructive manner?
The normal people are suffering the troubles which are created by the political giants.The previous history says that another 40-50 public transports will be destroyed during the Strike by the supporters.People will be killed.Some innocent people will also be killed and injured who will get outside.May be my name will also go to the list if i get attacked by those Devils.
Yes i am calling them devils cause i have no relation with this kind of nonsense thing.But still i will have to suffer the result of this non-democratic activities.I agree that as a democratic nation the opposition has the right to oppose the decision of the government but this is not the way to opposing.This is a crime.
The Rickshaw pooler who make his bread and butter by his rickshaw and giving transport to the people,he will not be able to to his job as there will be no scope for him to drive the rickshaw.If he tries to drive his rickshaw he will just get beaten by the monsters.
The students will not be able to go to the schools as all the schools will be closed.Then what is the point to call such kind of Hartal.Is it a joke to them?If this is a joke to them then i do not consider them as a citizen of this country.
If a person gets sick and he immediately needs to go to hospital and if he do not get any transportation and dies, who will be the responsible person?
Do you have the answer?Do those politicians have the answer?