I love this transportation - If you travel you will also love!

I am from Dhaka,Bangladesh.I love this transportation very much when i go from one place to another.I am sure you will also love this transportation if you travel on this.The transportation is our traditional "rickshaw".This is not run by a automatic mechanical force.Neither it has an engine.
Now one can question that then how this transport gets the force to travel.Yes,the answer is one should paddle like bicycle make it in a motion.

The driver who drives the rickshaw is know as rickshaw pooler.Rickshaw is a very unique transport in the whole world and without some parts in India it is rare in the whole world.

In Bangladesh rickshaw is a popular transport in the whole country.A lot of people are making their lives by depending on rickshaw.The people who are illiterate and does not have any job to do in the capital they come and get involved with this rickshaw business.
Teenagers love to travel through rickshaw.They simply move from one place to another just to enjoy.As it is a nice transportation they enjoy their time.
